Senior Advisor - Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) team at Mercy Corps
Hanna Camp is a Senior Advisor for Mercy Corps’ Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) team. Since joining Mercy Corps in 2018, she created and led an initiative focusing on MEL Technology, which successfully established common organizational technologies, standards, training resources, and support channels that Mercy Corps MEL teams across the globe use to collect, analyze, and visualize their data. She works directly with Mercy Corps teams implementing humanitarian response and international development programming to create more efficient analysis pipelines and data-driven processes. She also leads several grant-funded projects within the MEL team focused on developing resources and use cases in specific thematic areas such as reduced access MEL, context analysis, and use of remote sensing data for MEL.
Before joining Mercy Corps, Hanna worked for the agricultural climate analytics company aWhere for 3 years, managing the organization’s international development project portfolio and developing data products related to smallholder farming and climate resiliency. Prior to that she worked for 4 years in long-term trends forecasting research with the Pardee Center for International Futures and the Institute for Security Studies.